
1602, 2015

Two-Midnight Policy and Potential Short Stay Payment Solutions

By |February 16th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

February 13, 2015
Sean Cavanaugh
Deputy Administrator & Director
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Hubert H. Humphrey Building
200 Independence Avenue, S.W., Room 445-G Washington, DC 20201
RE: Two-Midnight Policy and Potential Short Stay Payment Solutions
Dear Mr. Cavanaugh:

On behalf of our nearly 5,000 member hospitals, health systems and other health care organizations,
and our 43,000 individual members, the American Hospital […]

1502, 2015

Insufficient documentation

By |February 15th, 2015|CDI, Documentation Effectiveness, Medical Neccessity|0 Comments

Insufficient medical record documentation is pervasive in the medical community regardless of healthcare setting or clinician. This environment of persistent insufficiency in clinical documentation exists for a variety of reasons, a major contributing factor being the increased use of the electronic health record mandated by Medicare under meaningful use. The electronic health record’s current structure […]

1002, 2015

When used effectively, discharge summaries reduce hospital readmissions

By |February 10th, 2015|Documentation Effectiveness, Uncategorized|1 Comment

YaleNews | When used effectively, discharge summaries reduce hospital readmissions.

For heart failure patients making the transition from hospital to home, a discharge summary that gets to their primary doctors quickly and contains detailed and useful information can mean the difference between recovering quickly or returning to the hospital, according to two new studies from Yale […]

902, 2015

Readmission Responsibility Extends Beyond Hospitals

By |February 9th, 2015|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Christopher Cheney, for HealthLeaders Media , February 5, 2015
Individual hospital performance accounts for less than half of the variation in pooled readmission rates across the United States, researchers find.
County-based data collected from across the country show hospitals are far from solely responsible for readmission rates.

An analysis of the data, which is slated for publication this […]

802, 2015

Affordable Care Act’s Hospital Acquired Condition (HAC) Provisions

By |February 8th, 2015|Affordable care, HAC, Uncategorized|0 Comments

If you’re not paying attention to the Affordable Care Act’s Hospital Acquired Condition (HAC) provisions, you should be. Based on their performance on Hospital Acquired Condition program measures, 724 hospitals lost a portion of their inpatient reimbursement fiscal year 2015.   The affected hospitals had high incidence rates for tracked HAC conditions, which consist of:

Foreign Object […]

502, 2015

CMS Fact Sheets: Improving Our Health Care Delivery System

By |February 5th, 2015|Medicare|0 Comments

On January 26, 2015, CMS released three Fact Sheets solidifying their commitment to the transition from a volume based Fee-for-Service to delivery model to one based on value, quality, and population health. A healthcare provider’s ability to successfully operate under and meet the challenges associated with this delivery model transition will be directly dependent upon […]

2901, 2015

Guidance to Address Billing Errors

By |January 29th, 2015|Compliance, Documentation Effectiveness, Medicare|0 Comments

Medicare Quarterly Provider Compliance Newsletter
This newsletter is designed to provide education on how to avoid common billing errors and other erroneous activities when dealing with the Medicare Fee-For- Service (FFS) Program. It includes guidance to help health care professionals address and avoid the top issues of the particular Quarter. There are more than one billion […]

2001, 2015

Wanna see something really cool? Check out the new CDI Journal

By |January 20th, 2015|CDI|0 Comments

Article written by Melissa Varnavas Originally posted HERE

If you asked, I’d say I’m typically a modest person. I’m not exactly one to crow about my accomplishments (much). Although I’m sure my mother and my husband would argue otherwise. (I’m also not the person who’ll first admit her shortcomings but who does, really?) Today, however, […]